Wednesday, September 19, 2007

How To Stop Snoring Naturally - My Top 5 Tips

If you want to stop snoring without the need for sprays or appliances, here are my top 5 tips on how to stop snoring naturally. Not every tip works for all, you will sometimes find one that works, or maybe a combination of things. The important thing is to keep at it until you find something that works for you

1. Loose weight - yes believe it or not, extra fat around the throat area can lead to muscles in the mouth and throat being very slack and allowing them to vibrate whilst sleeping causing snoring.

2. Avoid alcohol just before going to bed - I'm sure many of you will have experienced that going to bed soon after drinking a few glasses of wine or beer means your snoring will be far worse.

3. Keep a note on what you eat prior to sleeping - this will help you to find out if certain foods are causing your snoring.

4. Change your sleeping position - many people only snore when asleep in a certain position, usually on their back. The old trick of sewing a tennis ball into the back of your P.J.s is very effective here.

5. Get more exercise - regular exercise will strengthen your heart and lungs and really help stop snoring in some cases.

Hopefully these top 5 tips will give you some ideas on how you can help yourself to stop snoring naturally. One of the latest techniques that I haven't mentioned here is using special exercises to strengthen muscles in the mouth and throat. Check out my author bio for details on where you can find out more about these.

About the Author
For more details on how to
stop snoring naturally with free exercises go to

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another good way to stop snoring is by using snoring pyjamas. Most people who snore generally do so when lying on their back. Basically, you sew a pocket (or even just a sock) on to the back of your pyjamas and place a tennis ball inside. When you roll on to your back in your sleep the ball will make you change position as it is so uncomfortable!